November 30, 2007

Mike Wolfe loses 76lbs and increases his bench press!

Mike’s Initial Foray Mike’s odyssey began in July of 2006. He had just completed a personal best competition bench press of 835 lbs at a body weight of 416 lbs. Up to this point, Mike had fallen prey to the “bigger is better” trap that afflicts so many strength athletes. While it is true that increased body weight correlates (in resistance trained athletes) to increased brute strength, adding excessive amounts of body fat merely to increase one’s power is not the healthiest long term strategy, aesthetically appealing, or necessary.
While something like good health is a noble goal, it wasn’t the driving force behind Mike’s decision to slim down. No, like so many men before him, Mike’s ego and competitive nature provided the fuel for his fire of change. A man by the name of John Zemmin from Detroit Barbell lifted in the same meet where Mike had set his personal record. John competed in the 275 lbs weight class and pressed a tremendous 830 lbs! The fact that this man was nearly 140 lbs lighter than Mike and only pressed 5 lbs less was not lost on him. He silently wondered what this man was doing that he was not? A brief conversation with John cemented Mike’s resolve to reshape his body. In Mike’s mind, training was not the issue, he knew how to train. You can’t bench well over 800 lbs if you don’t know how to train, right? Time would answer that question, but for the moment, Mike was focused on altering his dietary habits. He started generally cleaning up his diet by dramatically reducing his intake of sweets and other “junk” foods (foods which had previously dominated his daily caloric intake).
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Mike quickly dropped a few pounds but soon found his weight loss stagnated. He decided to consult with a bodybuilder friend. This friend recommended that Mike both dramatically limit his carbohydrate intake and alter when he consumed them. Mike accomplished this by allotting his entire daily carbohydrate intake into three meals which would be consumed prior to 1 P.M. Below is a basic template of what Mike consumed daily at that time:

To read the entire article, visit here:

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